Ep23: There Might Be a New PlayStation Coming Out

This week it's Steve's turn to sound sexy, because he lost his voice saving orphans from a terrible fire.​ That's nothing, though, because on Wednesday February 20th, Sony lifted their metaphorical kimono on the PlayStation 4, and everyone in the world Oooh'ed and Aaah'ed.

I think we crammed everything of import in on this one; crazy tech guy, creepy car fetish Mancunian, Media Molecule's puppetry. Jonathan Blow's hairy arms did not make the cut, unfortunately, but his new game certainly did.

As well as all this Sony balony, we discuss Year Walk for iOS, and fly off on a tangent talking about Mike Cerney and Marble Madness.

It's the longest yet, weighing in at 2hrs, 25mins, but there's a possibility it's worth it.​

Ph we finally ahve an email address - if you want to chat or want to jump on the show for a minute/hour/the whole thing, let us know by sending us an email. The link is in the top right of your screen. It is GamePunchersPod@gmail.com

Ep23 There Might Be a New PlayStation Coming Out

In case you were wondering, the intro is called "Breakthrough" by Ben Landis, and can be found on the Chiptunes = Win album, along with many others that I use for the low background stuff.

The outro music is called "Hexapod" by the incredible BLAZAR.