Ep190: Are you there, God? It's me, GamePunchers


Look, yes it’s been 13 months since our last episode. Yes we’ve forgotten how to make podcasts. Yes, Fraser has left us for another show. Yes we are still talking about Star Wars and VR.

It has truly been a minute since we did this last… but when life gives you Bellamy’s you make Bellamonade.

So, what’s left to do but climb back into the saddle and drive that car right off the lot.

Don’t forget, Fraser’s other show, Seal Podcast, can be found here! Give them some hot lovin’.

• We record the show live, typically on Sundays at 8:30PM EST, but this is no way cast in stone.. at http://twitch.tv/gamepuncherspod

• Request an invite to our Slack Channel

• Subscribe on iTunes

• Most of our professional intro bumpers are performed by the amazingly talented voice artist Kathryn Haywood. She can be found, communicated-with, and booked on her website. Thank you Kathryn!

• The intro is called Breakthrough by Ben Landis, and can be found on the Adventures in Pixels album.

• The outro music, as always, is the amazing Roll With the Changes by the immortal REO Speedwagon.

• We use the track At The Sign Of The Swinging Cymbal by the John Anderson Big Band for the Charts.


Ep190: Are you there, God? It's me, GamePunchers