Ep199: Redrix's Backhand


Redrix’s Backhand

GamePunchers Ep199

It’s Ep199 time and, between not getting a PS5 and being absolutely MOLESTED by Bungie’s sunsetting of certain weapons, this episode is truly an airing of grievances.

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• Most of our professional intro bumpers are performed by the amazingly talented voice artist Kathryn Haywood. She can be found, communicated-with, and booked on her website. Thank you Kathryn!

• The intro is called Breakthrough by Ben Landis, and can be found on the Adventures in Pixels album.

• The outro music, as always, is the amazing Roll With the Changes by the immortal REO Speedwagon.

• We use the track At The Sign Of The Swinging Cymbal by the John Anderson Big Band for the Charts.


Ep199: Redrix's Backhand